What is the meaning of love
What is the meaning of love

what is the meaning of love

The love can be fulfilled only if the spinning spheres collapse and if the earth is torn asunder by some violent convulsion. It has placed the two lovers apart like the “North Pole” and the “South Pole”. The poet in the next lines tells that it is the hostility of “Fate” which is responsible for not permitting him and his beloved to be united. In the case of a love like this, “Hope” would prove to be utterly vain and futile because this love can never be achieved. It is the offspring of the marriage of “Despair/ upon Impossibility.” Only resolute Despair could have produced such divine love.

what is the meaning of love

This love, the poet says, is of rare birth. In the poem, the poet, first of all, makes his readers acquainted with the parentage of this love. The poet regards this love as being perfect and therefore unattainable. ‘The Definition of Love’ by Andrew Marvell talks about the nature of love, which exists between the poet and his beloved. "When you’re in love, you tend to be on your best behavior and expect your loved one to do the same.‘The Definition of Love’ by Andrew Marvell presents the account of the lovelorn poet and his definition of love. "As you relax into the relationship and accept each other realistically, there is a greater chance that those times when you aren’t so witty, when you’re a little cranky, or when you disagree will not be deal-breakers," McCoy says. In the beginning, you can be in love but not know each other well enough to overcome obstacles together. When you feel a deeper love for your long-term partner, the passion can continue to burn through life's challenges without flickering or fading away. For example, you may be head over heels for your partner, but as soon as real problems arise, you start to feel distant from them or question their ability to outlast hard times. When you’re in love with someone, your connection may not be strong enough to make it through challenges unfazed. Growing to love the real person and accepting who they are, with both strengths and weaknesses, can make a wonderful difference in your relationship.

What is the meaning of love